Perhaps nothing in an angler’s tackle and gear arsenal is more near and dear to him than his reels. Probably no gear causes us to agonize more over our choices than when we’re considering a new reel, so a look at this sampling should be of keen interest. The trend this year seems to be smaller, stronger and smoother, as you’ll note in most of these 11 new reels shown at this year’s ICAST show. (Prices may have been rounded by pennies.)

Accurate Tern
Available: by late July 2019
MSRP: $380 for 600s Doug Olander / Sport Fishing

Alutecnos Gorilla 20W
Available: Now
MSRP: $739 Doug Olander / Sport Fishing

Daiwa Certate LT
Available: Now (5000 size in October, 2019)
MSRP: $449 to $499 Doug Olander / Sport Fishing

Okuma Cavalla
Available: late July 2019
MSRP: $240 and $340 Doug Olander / Sport Fishing

Okuma Cedros
Available: Now (14000 in October 2019)
MSRP: $160 to $180 Okuma

Omoto Vantage 20
Available: N/A
MSRP: $285 Doug Olander / Sport Fishing

Penn Fierce III
Available: Now
MSRP: $60 to $120 Doug Olander / Sport Fishing

Penn Torque 15XN and 60
Available: Now
MSRP: $550 and $600 Doug Olander / Sport Fishing

Quantum Reliance
Available: Late fall 2019
MSRP: $100 to $110 Doug Olander / Sport Fishing

Shimano Stradic
Available: now
MSRP: $200 to 230 Doug Olander / Sport Fishing

Tsunami SaltX
Available: Now
MSRP: $350 and $380 (Tackle Direct) Doug Olander / Sport Fishing