Canon 10×42 L IS WP
This pair of 5.4-by-6.9-by-3.4-inch binoculars weighs more than most competitors at 39.2 ounces, but is well worth consideration. These are the smallest binoculars around that boast both image stabilization and a full waterproof rating. Image stabilization doesn’t come cheap (check the price—ouch), but it is uber-cool.
$1,499; usa.cannon.com

Leupold BX-4 Pro Guide HD 8×32
At 4.8 inches long, 4.5 inches wide, and 17 ounces, the BX-4 Pro Guide HD is easy to stow and easy to handle. These binoculars post awesome optics and a rather impressive 33-foot-depth waterproofing, and are rated to survive 160-degree temperatures.
$579.99, leupold.com

Steiner Navigator 7×50
These 5.5-by-8.1-by-12-inch binoculars weigh in at 36.3 ounces and pack a powerful punch. Waterproof to 5 meters, this is the only pair of binocs in the mix to offer Steiner’s Sports-Auto Focus, which allows you to focus each eyepiece to your individual vision once and then keep images sharp from 20 yards to infinity.
$528.99, steiner-optics.com

West Marine Shoreline 10×50
Waterproof to IPX7 standards, the Shoreline 10×50 is 5.4-by-5.6-by-2.4 inches and tips the scales at 24 ounces. Top features include a center focus, Bak-4 barium crown glass prisms and rubber armor.
$249.99, westmarine.com