Before you say “no,” drive south down Highway 23 from New Orleans until you reach the small town of Buras, Louisiana. Located along the last stretches of the Mississippi River, a mix of marsh habitat, chocolate freshwater and Gulf water combines to create one of the most prolific red drum fisheries in the world. In fact, I’d wager there is no other fishery — from Chesapeake Bay to Mexico — that offers as consistent action for 40-plus-inch redfish than the marshes that make up the long toe of Louisiana’s footprint.
Catching bull redfish is so consistent that some tackle and boat makers come down to the Mississippi Delta in the heat of the summer to slay the slobs (not literally!) and test out new gear and tackle. Lucky outdoor media members get to join in on the fun. This year, headquartered at Cajun Fishing Adventures in Buras, an August fishing and media bash brought together Seaguar, Z-Man, HUK, Yamaha, Plano, Mustad, LiveTarget, 13 Fishing, Power-Pole and Skeeter Boats.
Media from local and national saltwater publications fished with industry partners to put the latest gear through the wringer. Cajun Fishing Adventures’ captains provided their boats and local knowledge, Seaguar supplied leader and braided line, HUK handed out fishing wear, Z-Man and LiveTarget chipped in the lures, Plano had the necessary tackle storage, and 13 Fishing contributed prototype saltwater baitcasters and spinners. Each different fishing or boating company provided important tackle, gear or accessories to make the fishing days successful — and, wow, did we slay the bull reds.
Money Back Guaranteed

Chocolate Milk

Ring the Dinnerbell

Wide Open Spaces

Back in the Bayous

A Fishing Laboratory

More Than One Tool for the Job

Showing Off

Only More Than 40 Inches Matters

After the Fight

Into the Brush

When the Drag Finally Stops Singing

Breaking A Sweat

Underneath the Cork

An Unpredictable Topwater Bite

On the Horizon

Louisiana Waterspout

Swimbaits Work

New From Plano

Dinner is Served