The Great Croaker Debate
Is it possible that a certain baitfish is too good at catching trout?
Check out the latest fishing tips and techniques for catching seatrout.
Is it possible that a certain baitfish is too good at catching trout?
Mastering popping-cork tactics increases your odds when fishing murky water.
It’s hard to reach these barrier islands. But once you get there, you never want to leave.
Why have IGFA records for the most popular inshore gamefish remained unbroken for decades?
Seatrout might not seem as glamorous as their fellow family members like redfish, but catching a mess of schoolie trout can save a slow day (and provide tasty sauteed filets that night). Catching true trophy specks, which can grow to more than 17 pounds, can become an obsession.
Juvenile trout school over grass flats or sandy areas and range along the U.S East Coast through the Gulf of Mexico. Anglers fish for them with live shrimp below popping corks or with a variety of artificial lures.
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